No Pet Store Puppies (ASPCA) works to STOP online puppy sales. These animals often come from puppy mills, which means buying puppies online is as bad as buying them in a pet shop.
Describes our breeding dogs, puppies, and information about buying a puppy. Purebreeds and First Generation Crosses to produce quality, healthy family dogs.
A place for puppy buyers to find quality dog breeders. Stud dog service section and
dog-related classifieds. Large photos, photos of the parents, video of each puppy and a comprehensive search engine.
Because you are buying a family member, it is i
Lots of information and photographs, including buying and care of your schnauzer, how to groom, contracts, ear care, conditioning, and how to pick that performance puppy. Photos and pedigrees of Britmor Schnauzers.
Everything Neapolitan Mastiff - The Neopolitan Mastiff site about buying a neo puppy, common health problems with the mastino, resources for your mastiff puppy and more italian mastiff stuff!
Buying a spaniel puppy? All you need to know to choose, care for and train a spaniel puppy NOW & as they grow. Read articles & books, view photos and
Innovative national Polish Lowland Sheepdog club providing Polish Lowland Sheepdog info, PON puppy buying info, PON dog activities, newsletter and more
Innovative national Polish Lowland Sheepdog club providing Polish Lowland Sheepdog info, PON puppy buying info, PON dog activities, newsletter and more
All you need to know about the French Bulldog. Choosing and buying a french bulldog, feeding and training a french bulldog puppy. The french bulldog is an excellent companion, read this guide to know everything about the french bulldog.
French Bulldog advice & information. Temperament, training and care. Buying a French Bulldog puppy. Training and owning a Frenchie. With pictures and videos
Jaxsungate german shepherds are the finest show and pet german shepherds. Buying a puppy is more than just buying a dog. With Jaxsungate GSD, you get aftercare and a host of information should you get problems or concerns. Your never alone with a Jaxsunga