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The Puppia Vest soft dog harness is favored by owners of mini and teacup dogs. Dogs love the Puppia vest harness because it is made of a soft air-mesh material which is very gentle and comfortable on your dog's skin.
Organic Pet Boutique is your one stop shop for organic and natural pet supplies! We carry Puppia, Bully Sticks, dog clothing, dog harnesses, dog beds, Dog Car Seats, pet supplies, natural dog food, dog gift baskets, and more.
I Love Pugs London Catseye Pug range. Puppia soft dog harness are available. We are sure you would agree they are absolutely adorable! In the range we have pug sweatshirts, catseye pug bag.
Barrett's Boutique is your one stop pet supplies shop carrying puppies and dog collars, puppies and dog leashes, toys, dog clothes and all other items for small dog breeds and large dog breeds. We carry designer brands including Oscar Newman, Susan Lanci,