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Family Prayer Night Devotions are weekly family friendly holy hours which usually consist of Eucharistic Adoration during which children and families share in leading the Rosary, singing beautiful hymns to Our Lady, songs of adoration and worship of Our L
The Burn: Greenville is a missions base that exists to build day and night worship and prayer for revival in eastern North Carolina that touches the nations. Join us for a Burn!
Emerging Church in south Denver where it is safe to have doubts, where people are actually accepted as they are; a community on a journey together toward The Center
The Burn: Greenville is closing our web site and shifting our focus towards The Boiler Room in the coming season. Connect to the Burn Greenville Facebook page to stay updated with upcoming Burn events. The Boiler Room web site The Burn on Facebook Read ab
Emerging Church in south Denver where it is safe to have doubts, where people are actually accepted as they are; a community on a journey together toward The Center
Emerging Church in south Denver where it is safe to have doubts, where people are actually accepted as they are; a community on a journey together toward The Center
Pray and walk with us as we serve the Lord in our beloved community of Koreatown, Los Angeles on Saturday, May 30, 2015. We will be disclosing locations and times via email, so please sign up below and save the date!