This is a book about pre-tribulation planning for great tribulation endurance, allowing us to survive the mark of the beast until the post-tribulation rapture.
Evidence that the church must go through the seventieth week and how to survive the great tribulation by reforming fundamentalism and establishing cities of refuge.
'Resist the devil, and he will flee from you' (James 4:7). One of the points in this verse that should be highlighted is that before we can take seriously the biblical principles to resist the devil, we need to be aware that he is a force to be recko...
Evidence that the church must go through the seventieth week and how to survive the great tribulation by reforming fundamentalism and establishing cities of refuge.
Free Christian Online Ordination -Free Bible Certificate programs - Japan Wedding Misitry Training- Post Tribulation Rapture - End time Bible Prophecy - Life Experience Degrees
To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ(I
Corinthians 15:3,4), the message of His soon return(Titus 2:13), and the
truth of the Bible(II Timothy 3:16) to all peoples in all nations(Acts 1:8)
using all available resources to bring Him honor and glory(Colossia
A website dedicated to taking a closer look at end times theology and the rapture of the church. Journey with us as we examine the origins of the secret, pre-tribulation rapture doctrine.
Why do the dead rise first at the rapture?
"The dead in Christ shall rise first" and it's the first thing that will happen at the rapture. Yet many Christians don't even have a clue of why that is.
Did you know that there
Come out of her, My people, by C W Steinle. America in prophecy. Persecution Begins, 3rd Volume in series to fulfill Revelation and Daniel prophecies. Free ebook at Kindle Select. Paperback, ebook available at Amazon and Lulu
Why do the dead rise first at the rapture?
"The dead in Christ shall rise first" and it's the first thing that will happen at the rapture. Yet many Christians don't even have a clue of why that is.
Did you know that there