Shane Elliott's portfolio website. Developer, programmer, actor, director, writer. This is a collection of some of my work and the best way to get in touch with me.
Shane Elliott's portfolio website. Developer, programmer, actor, director, writer. This is a collection of some of my work and the best way to get in touch with me.
French Fries is a duo, moving between Paris, Brussels, Budapest and Shanghai. Their work explores every possible production and post-production known technique, like video, motion design, traditional and 3D/2D animation, stop motion and special effects. T
Shane Elliott's portfolio website. Developer, programmer, actor, director, writer. This is a collection of some of my work and the best way to get in touch with me.
I'm an illustrator, graphic and web designer. Check out my awesome portfiolio showcasing some of my work and while your here take a look at my blog. Don't forget to follow me on twitter @jdcadoubler.
Flashprime Designs | Web Design and Develpment: Providing complete websites from initial design to programming. Flash and Html programming and optimization. Flashprime Designs had found a small niche in portfiolio website creation for artists, photogra
This e-portfiolio has been created to showcase research and educational-related projects completed by Kimberly Carter, alone and collaboratively with peers. You will find pages for the following: Artifacts Background and Blog Link Research Vitae &n