Полипропилен - это термопластичный полимер, который используется для различных целей, одной из которых является изготовление труб и фитингов. Полипропи
Sera Tarım | Sulama Sistemleri | Sulama Teknikleri | Modern Sulama | Modern Sulama Sistemleri | Cam Sera | Plastik Sera | Polikarbon Sera | Sulama Altyapısı | Pilsa | Wavin Pilsa | Koruge | Sep Pompa | Eurodrip | Euro Drip | Sempa | Jain | Dikkaya Grup |
En Pilsa nos esforzamos por ofrecerle las mejores alternativas en suministros de limpieza. Comercializamos solo las mejores marcas del mercado siempre con el objetivo de brindarle la mejor opción al mejor precio y con el servicio que usted y su empresa r
The volume wholesale company YugRegionPlast carries out the wholesale trade of Pilsa PPR pipes and fittings and Winsa profiles for the Euro windows production from the Rostov stock. Catalogue of products are available at stock. Feedback, location map, add
The volume wholesale company YugRegionPlast carries out the wholesale trade of Pilsa PPR pipes and fittings and Winsa profiles for the Euro windows production from the Rostov stock. Catalogue of products are available at stock. Feedback, location map, add
Önder Çanta olarak çanta imalatı ve toptan satışı yapmaktayız.
Su geçirmez impertex, suni deri, kanvas, gabardin, nonwoven, kadife, tela, astar, polyester, branda, jüt, pilsa, şeffaf pvc gibi bir çok kumaş ile çanta imalatı yapmaktayız.