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Hello! My name is Roman and I'm Web Developer. I have experience in developing a real-time web applications, complex front-end and back-end management systems.
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Profesjonalne cięcie layoutów HTML5/CSS3. Semantyczne kodowanie PSD. Projektowanie stron i sklepów internetowych. Programowanie w jQuery, Zend Framework i php5
PHP5 and MySQL5 London based - MySQLi installed on our shared hosting, UK Web Hosting, tutorial videos, free site builder, telephone support from our London offices.
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PHP5 and MySQL5 London based - MySQLi installed on our shared hosting, UK Web Hosting, tutorial videos, free site builder, telephone support from our London offices.
PHP5 and MySQL5 London based - MySQLi installed on our shared hosting, UK Web Hosting, tutorial videos, free site builder, telephone support from our London offices.
Formations professionnelles pour développeurs web à Marseille : PHP5 et MySQL, PHP5 et POO, Symfony2, MongoDB, HTML/CSS/Javascript en Responsive Design avec Bootstrap et jQuery