A leading manufacturer of fixed and portable monitors for over 150 toxic and combustible gases--photoionization detectors, solid-state, infrared, electrochemical, and catalytic sensors--for area air quality and occupational health and safety applications,
RAE Systems specializes in wireless, fixed and portable gas detection solutions, and radiation detection. RAE Systems manufactures and designs gas detection systems, radiation detectors and other detection solutions, toxic gas, and PID detectors, single g
Catalog of RAE Systems gas detectors and PIDs sold by Equipco. Buy RAE Systems equipment here to enjoy our pricing guarantee and excellent post-purchase service and support. Featured RAE Systems products include the popular RAE QRAE 3, RAE MultiRAE Series
Mocassin - a fully 3D photoionisation and radiative transfer code which employs a Monte Carlo approach to the transfer of radiation through media of arbitrary geometry and density distribution.
The QRAE II gas detector from RAE Systems is a full-featured, rugged yet compact, one- to four-sensor gas detector; continuous exposure monitoring of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and combustible gases. QRAE II delivers fast and easy bump te
RAE Systems specializes in wireless, fixed and portable gas detection solutions, and radiation detection. RAE Systems manufactures and designs gas detection systems, radiation detectors and other detection solutions, toxic gas, and PID detectors, single g