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Minda Novek is a researcher, photo editor, writer, curator & producer. Her company, Meaning in Forms, brings a wide range of topics to life in diverse formats, including books, articles, exhibits, multimedia, films & educational programs.
Tovah Martine - Horticulturalist, author, freelance writer, photo stylist and lecturer. Tovah Martin is one of this country's best-known garden writers, lecturers and PBS television producer. She is also the author of Tasha Tudor's Garden.
Kit Morris is a producer and creative consultant collaborating with creative teams to deliver photography specific marketing materials for ad agencies, eCommerce, corporations and retailers.
When you a have a shoot half way around the world or half a bl
Based in Vancouver BC, I am a Producer specializing in both Photography and Video. I have been fortunate to work with award-winning photographers to produce national and international advertising campaigns for clients around the globe that include: A&