With extensive experience in drug discovery, we understand the research needs of scientists and are dedicated to provide you the best products and services.
DEPOD - the human DEPhOsphorylation Database, is a manually curated database collecting human phosphatases, their experimentally verified substrates and dephosphorylation site information, and pathways in which they are involved. It also provides links to
Selleck provides signaling inhibitors, modulators and compound libraries with terrific validation, customer reviews, product citations, tech support and prompt delivery.
Selleck provides signaling inhibitors, modulators and compound libraries with terrific validation, customer reviews, product citations, tech support and prompt delivery.
Selleck provides signaling inhibitors, modulators and compound libraries with terrific validation, customer reviews, product citations, tech support and prompt delivery.
Selleck provides signaling inhibitors, modulators and compound libraries with terrific validation, customer reviews, product citations, tech support and prompt delivery.