HEUX lesson delivery and classroom management system is uniquely designed with personalised tools to encourage a strong element of inquiry-based learning.
STAKMATE (Social Skills Training for Autistic Kids) This is a personalised dual-adaptive learning system for carers teaching social skills to chiildren with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). It is underpinned by current research and demonstrates how tec
My Vietnamese tutor is an exciting way to learn Vietnamese online. My Vietnamese Tutor offers personalised Vietnamese lessons with a native Vietnamese tutor via Skype or Google Hangout.
A vocabulary aid blending in the personal context. It is cross-platform and offers an integrated dictionary, a personal word cloud, and various exercises.
The world's next generation learning platform. Join millions across the globe who are personalising instruction with our cloud-based learning solution.
Leading personalised learning company, providing home tutoring and home tuition for children, adults and professionals. Providing qualified and experienced tutors to learners and corporate organisations nationwide.
Amanda King is an independent literacy consultant who aims to provide high quality personalised consultancy, coaching and training for the development of literacy and learning in primary education.
Learn Languages Online. Lingualia is a revolutionary new way to learn languages which learns from you and adapts the course to your needs. Discover a personalised language learning experience.
Dimensions provides personalised social care services for people with learning disabilities and autism, including challenging behaviour and complex needs
Personalised learning, teaching resources and patient support for dermatologists today and tomorrow. Our focused content is reviewed by an international panel of respected dermatologists who add insights to issues shaping your practice.
Astro Innovation applies astrology to learning, business, relationships, personal and professional growth and development, promoting spirituality in business. Our personalised, astrology gift reports profile individual learning styles. Our Mercury Model