Artwork of Missionary Andre Pelser. His refreshing and captivating style conveys the feeling from his journeys in his paintings. Andre has been to 105 nations up to date to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in creative ways. The funds raised by selling t
Berrie Pelser, sinds 1999 eigenaar van: Ber|Art Visual Design V.O.F. webdesign toen full service bureau voor complete onderhouden zakelijke internetsites
Welcome to the website of Yanna Pelser, freelance viola player. The new EP is out now! Check out VDRSH on Teaser: This is a video of the premiere of a piece by Federico Mosquera: 'Dos canciones Francesas' (two French s
The Pilates Room SA. Providing Pilates Classes in Pretoria for different ages & abilities. We're known as the studio of Excellence for Authentic Pilates.