Our family enterprise specializes on breeding several kinds of reptiles – though in the long term our main domain are chameleons, especially the species Chamaeleo calyptratus and Furcifer pardalis in different kinds of colors.
Boost je business met training en coaching in Bezield Leiderschap van pardalis: realiseer meer innovatiekracht, betere teamprestaties en persoonlijk succes.
Boost je business met training en coaching in Bezield Leiderschap van pardalis: realiseer meer innovatiekracht, betere teamprestaties en persoonlijk succes.
Product designs and concepts by industrial designer and graphic artist Norman Pardalis . Visit this page to see his work and samples of his designing skills.
tortuga reptil Agrionemys horsfieldii Centrochelys Sulcata Stigmochelys pardalis Testudo Graeca Marginata hermanni tierra huevos crias escamas tortoise turtle - Conoce un poco más sobre nosotros...!!!