Our sheep have been bred for their fleece quality, multiple births, great mothering skills, and hardiness. Working on parasite resistance for healthy sheep
Our mission is to assist horse owners protect their horses from worms. This mission will be accomplished through the development of a worm control program designed for their specific needs.
We raise crossbred, purebred, and 100% New Zealand progeny
Kiko Goats. We are thoroughly convinced of the excellent qualities of the Kiko goat. Try one and you will be too.
For sheep drench products in Australia, choose Startect, an effective, short-acting oral sheep drench that manages resistance and treats sheep parasites for optimal productivity
Northern Arkansas farm raising registered St. Croix hair sheep and market lambs, New Zealand/Flemish Giant meat rabbits & Anatolian Shepherd dogs. We raise hydroponic wheat fodder. We strive to be natural, organic, pastured and non-GMO.
Chigger Ridge Ranch, Raising quality Katahdin Hair Sheep for meat and also Altex cross rabbits. Home of Luscious Lamb and Chigger Ridge Rabbit sold at the Nashville, TN. Farmer's Market