The Business School Group has over 4200 students, of whom 1000 are international, with more than 80 nationalities represented. Today, over 22000 PGSM alumni work across the five continents. Our faculty has over 400 professors from all over the world.
The Business School Group has over 4200 students, of whom 1000 are international, with more than 80 nationalities represented. Today, over 22000 PGSM alumni work across the five continents. Our faculty has over 400 professors from all over the world.
The Business School Group has over 4200 students, of whom 1000 are international, with more than 80 nationalities represented. Today, over 22000 PGSM alumni work across the five continents. Our faculty has over 400 professors from all over the world.
The Business School Group has over 4200 students, of whom 1000 are international, with more than 80 nationalities represented. Today, over 22000 PGSM alumni work across the five continents. Our faculty has over 400 professors from all over the world.
The Business School Group has over 4200 students, of whom 1000 are international, with more than 80 nationalities represented. Today, over 22000 PGSM alumni work across the five continents. Our faculty has over 400 professors from all over the world.
The PGSM website offers Polish-Americans the opportunity to connect with other researchers and access to web links and databases, along with the latest events & happenings in Polish-American research.
Au sein des écoles du Groupe ESG et des différents campus en France, de nombreuses associations sont proposées aux étudiants. C'est l'occasion pour tous nos étudiants d'avoir de vraies responsabilités et de créer des liens forts avec tous l
ESG Executive Paris propose des MBA Executive, des formations professionnelles, continues et sur mesure. Le management, le marketing, le contrôle de gestion, …
PPA, grande école de Commerce et de Management n°1 de l'alternance en France propose 11 filières avec diplômes reconnus par l'État en Cycle Bachelor Niveau 2 et en Cycle Mastère Niveau 1.
PSB is the only school in Paris to offer a complete range of world class internationally accredited programs (BBA, MSc, MBA, DBA), taught entirely in English, by an international faculty.