The American College of Orgonomy is a non-profit educational and scientific organization devoted to setting and maintaining standards for work in the field of orgonomy. Medical orgone therapy has proven to be effective in the treatment of a wide range of
A place to share orgone energy
information, research, articles, discussion, and other topics in
Orgonomy. Orgonomy is a science created and developed by Wilhelm
Orgone, Orgone Accumulator, Wilhelm Reich, Orgonon, Dr. Reich, Life Energy, orgonomy, alternative healing, cosmic energy, International Conference on Orgonomy
Orgone energy is an inexpensive way to help restore balance to the Earth. This are a discussion board for orgonite gifters worldwide. Dangerous low frequency energy wave radiation can be neutralized using orgone. Orgone generators are 'orgonite' devices t
In this far-reaching, extensively researched, scholarly work by psychiatrist Charles Konia, M.D. 'The Emotional Plague' makes the first comprehensive exploration and development of the concepts first published in Wilhelm Reich's 1933 'The Mass Psychology
Rose Tree Holistic Health welcomes you with a variety of holistic health services. Our talented practitioners are here to serve you and meet your wellness needs. We specialize in acupuncture, massage therapy, reflexology, cranio-sacral therapy, hypnothera
In this far-reaching, extensively researched, scholarly work by psychiatrist Charles Konia, M.D. 'The Emotional Plague' makes the first comprehensive exploration and development of the concepts first published in Wilhelm Reich's 1933 'The Mass Psychology
In this far-reaching, extensively researched, scholarly work by psychiatrist Charles Konia, M.D. 'The Emotional Plague' makes the first comprehensive exploration and development of the concepts first published in Wilhelm Reich's 1933 'The Mass Psychology