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The Psychiatrist Who Cured The Scientologist, Autobiography, Non Fictional Opinionated Controversial Literature, Read Poetry Online, Vocal Singer Samples, Song Lyric Writing, Explore Artful Expressions.
News & events from a mom's perspective. Deb and Michelle are friends, political opposites and Opinionated MAMAs who discuss the issues of the day with humor and common sense! Log on for a "mom spin" on the social & political issue
Another blog from a single mom, lawyer and very opinionated person. It's about love, life, parenthood, parties, food, fun, Honey Boo Boo Child and any other random thoughts that come into my head. As my daughter likes to say, "It's Cwazy a
Beauty, Style, Family, Random Writings (If that makes sense). I have so much going on besides my local website that I figure I'll just keep it separate and public! I like to share information and ideas, so if your interested in reading, stay tuned! :
Gear up with fan apparel and merchandise like jerseys, hats, t-shirts and more! Read opinionated sports coverage, rumors and gossip written by the fans.