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Cyberwolf Software is a technology solutions company specializing in .Net development and solutions. A key offering of ours is Hunter Client which is an ad-hoc query tool for retrieving data from any ODBC or OLEDB compliant database.
QlikView Connector JDBC With the QlikView JDBC Connector, TIQ Solutions provides QlikView users the opportunity to connect JDBC data sources (eg databases available without ODBC / OLEDB drivers such as Apache ...
Download BaseNow, a database front-end application that provides a tree-style user interface for all your databases. It supports all database formats and contains built-in deduplication, data validation, and import/export tools.
DeBigBos.com is a website focused in computer software development. On DeBigBos.com all computer software programs are provided free of charge under freeware/donate ware license for private and commercial use. Applications are provided to speed up regular