oedipus.co.uk is your first and best source for information about oedipus . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
Oedipus was a mythical Greek king of Thebes, the son and killer of Laius, son and consort of Jocasta, and father and sibling of Polynices, Eteocles, Antigone.
Welcome to the homepage for Oedipus on a Pale Horse. This website contains Greek mythology, archaeology, and personal mythology. All this information is presented while describing an actual trip to Greece that lasted for ten weeks.
Welcome to the official website of Tyrant Oidipous, the new translation of Sophocles's Oedipus Tyrannus by Rachel Pollack and David Vine. Under construction! We're in the process of adding way more to this website! Please come back soon to see m
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