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The Antichrist Identity is a blockbuster 160 Page Report which examines the controversy around Who Is The Antichrist. Shocking and frightening insights into the rise of world government
Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes joins Judy Woodruff to discuss the Obama administrations decision to launch airstrikes and drop humanitarian aid inside Iraq. Rhodes answers conservative criticism that the U.S. needs a stronger military strateg
In seiner Rede am Brandenburger Tor deckt US-Präsident Obama eine Vielzahl von Themen ab - besondere Aufmerksamkeit erregt sein Abrüstungsvorschlag - hier die Rede mit Übersetzung in voller Länge.
President and Mrs Obama speak about how they are preparing as a family for life after the White House, and which of them would make a better president.
Barack Obama's commitment to public service preceded his presidency, and will continue long after he and the First Lady leave the White House. The Foundation will carry forward the Obamas’ efforts to inspire active citizenship, expand economic opportunity
Barack Obama's commitment to public service preceded his presidency, and will continue long after he and the First Lady leave the White House. The Foundation will carry forward the Obamas’ efforts to inspire active citizenship, expand economic opportunity
Barack Obama's commitment to public service preceded his presidency, and will continue long after he and the First Lady leave the White House. The Foundation will carry forward the Obamas’ efforts to inspire active citizenship, expand economic opportunity
Barack Obama's commitment to public service preceded his presidency, and will continue long after he and the First Lady leave the White House. The Foundation will carry forward the Obamas’ efforts to inspire active citizenship, expand economic opportunity
News and Information for North Texas Democrats. President Obamas request for AUMF. Measle vaccine. Earned Income Tax Credir, EITC. Rick Perry. Book critic of The Working Poor: Invisible in America. President Obama's 2016 Budget proposal. Bits and Pieces.
Barack Obama's commitment to public service preceded his presidency, and will continue long after he and the First Lady leave the White House. The Foundation will carry forward the Obamas’ efforts to inspire active citizenship, expand economic opportunity