Sayed Bashir Ahmad Noori IT and Web Professional, working in the field of technolgoy since 2008 up to now, lives in Kabul Afghanistan. سید بشیر احمد نوری شخص مسلکی در عرصه آی-تی و طراحی ویب سایت. از سال ۲۰۰۸ تا به حال
NFT (Noori Fast Technologies) is the leading and best ICT solutions in Afghanistan, Web Designing, Web Development, Database Development, Graphic Designing, Networking installation, IT Support, hardware repair, Kabul Afghanistan.
NOORI'S EVENT MANAGEMENT & CATERING is your partner for organizing corporate events and private Indian & Oriental theam parties in Monaco, Cannes, St Tropez and across the French Riviera.
View our menu and reviews for Noori Pakistani & Indian located at 632 San Mateo Ave - San Bruno. Noori Pakistani and Indian Cuisine is extremely proud of the niche it has created here in Outer Sunset, and rededicates itself every day to uphold the str
Noori Sunni Center Vikas Samiti is a 100% non profit-organization regestered under the Rajasthan organization registration act 1958. Samiti having a non political, non religious, non commercial character and maintly engaged in imparting welfare programme
Ali Noori is a Los Angeles-based composer/producer/programmer of music for film, television, and radio. He has worked with a wide range of artists, directors, and clients including Tina Turner, Elisa,...
As far as I can tell, I'm the only person in the world named Antonia Noori Farzan. So if you've gotten this far, you're probably looking for me. Hi! I live in New York and write for various publications (links below.) Email: antonianoori (a