Vyrábíme a dodáváme plastový nápojový kelímek z polypropylenového materiálu pro vícenásobné použití. Zajišťujeme ekologický systém vratných kelímků NickNack. Komplexní systém vratných kelímků.
Knicknack is an art direction & design team fronted by Robert Lenz and Matt Govaere, with over 10 years experience and clients from all over the world.
Knicknack is an art direction & design team fronted by Robert Lenz and Matt Govaere, with over 10 years experience and clients from all over the world.
Knicknack is an art direction & design team fronted by Robert Lenz and Matt Govaere, with over 10 years experience and clients from all over the world.
Knicknack is an art direction & design team fronted by Robert Lenz and Matt Govaere, with over 10 years experience and clients from all over the world.
Knicknack is an art direction & design team fronted by Robert Lenz and Matt Govaere, with over 10 years experience and clients from all over the world.
Knicknack is an art direction & design team fronted by Robert Lenz and Matt Govaere, with over 10 years experience and clients from all over the world.