Sakya Ngor Ewam Phende Ling is a site in french, english and chinese for all those interested in tibetan buddhism. Important texts for free downloading.
L'hotel Restaurant Chez Carla est un complexe situé sur le côté droit de l'ile de Ngor à Dakar. Restaurant et Ponton privés à NGor Dakar. Accueil de 9 à 23h is your first and best source for information about Kängor . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
A casual family or business lunch-dining establishment beloved by locals and tourists. Specialize in Seafood, Chinese Food, and Thai Food. Je Ngors Kitchen/Seafood has a variety of menu for selections with different prices from less than hundred baht upto
Här hittar du friluftsutrustning kläder, kängor, ryggsäckar, tält och sovsäckar mm. Allt från kända leverantörer som Lundhags Bergans Norröna m fl.
Route de Ngor, en face de la plage le virage, Dakar
Téléphone : 78 182 83 83
email : contactez-nous
horaire : Du Mardi au Dimanche de 14h à 02h du matin