Free prophecy book. Islam in the Bible. Explanation of current events as they relate to biblical prophecy and end time prophecy,
and the truth about the word of God. Prophetic implications of world events.
ISLAM 101 - A one minute, complete course, on Islam. - Islam is the PERFECT OPPOSITE of Christianity. This course can be completed by some in less than one minute.
Islam the Cloak of Antichrist presents a biblical view of how Islam prophecy in the end-of-days. Specifically, it interprets Iran and Shia Islam to be the instrument through which the tribulation begins. Revelation 17 and 18 are interpreted as a nuclear h
ISLAM 101 - A one minute, complete course, on Islam. - Islam is the PERFECT OPPOSITE of Christianity. This course can be completed by some in less than one minute.
DNN News - News from a Muslim perspective with an emphasis on End Times and the attack against Islam and against religion in general. (Dajjal News Network by