4GetPain.com - Dr Sid Solomon is the leader in TMJ Dentistry in Los Angeles. If you suffer from migranes, headaches, jaw and mouth pain than contact Dr Sid Solomon for a consultation./
Cankerboy.com is the web's #1 resource for canker sore and mouth ulcer information. We test the products, the myths, and the science to bring you an unbiased look at what works and what doesn't work. And we have a little bit of fun along the way
We offer modern cosmetic dentistry services in Kohala, Waikoloa, Waimea & Kamuela, HI to improve teeth and smiles with painless treatments. Call 808-885-8465!
Kyle Eberlein, DDS Dentist Serving Euless Texas Helps You, Your Spouse and Children With All Your Dental Procedures: Serving Bedford, Colleyville, Euless, Fort...
TMJ Wayne provides mouthpieces that help treat teeth grinding, clenching and TMJ disorders at an affordable cost in Northern NJ Wayne area. Practice focuses on TMJ, treatment, mouth guard, TMJ disorder, jaw pain, and lock jaw.
Pathology is the study of disease. An oral pathologist has expertise pertaining to disease and pain disorders affecting the mouth, facial and temporomandibular regions. Dr. Klieb practices in both a laboratory and clinical setting. As a laboratory cons
The most common mouth cancer symptoms are a sore that won’t heal or prolonged pain in the mouth; details and other symptoms are listed here, plus when to see your GP
Anbesol® is the answer for oral pain relief. If you want fast, on-contact pain relief of minor mouth irritations or even tough toothache pain, try Anbesol in Regular or Maximum Strength.
Whether you get these awful mouth sores occasionally or constantly, follow these steps to stop the pain, quickly heal them and make sure they never return.
Parnell Pharmaceuticals makes products such as Mouth Kote for dry mouth (xerostomia), Pretz for nasal dryness, nasal irrigation and sinus rinse, Oragesic for oral pain, and Feminease for vaginal dryness and lubrication, using natural Yerba Santa.
Learn all of the best ways to soothe your mouth after implants. Look at the recovery process from what to eat, to how long to take pain killers for and more.
Debacterol® is a topical canker sore treatment that provides instant and permanent relief from the pain and discomfort of canker sores and mouth ulcers. The medication works by cauterizing the ulcer, sealing and protecting the lesions and speeding hea
Dr. Sherwin Arman, DMD, focuses on treating patients who experience discomfort or pain felt in the region(s) of the face, head, eyes, ears, mouth, nose and neck, as well as those who suffer with snoring or obstructive
sleep apnea.