Many people think a mouth-harp is a harmonica or blues-harp. But the mouthHarp is actually an old name for the Jews-harp, a small overtone-instrument. This MouthHarp is held to the opened mouth while plucking the lamella which makes the basic tone resonat
Many people think a mouth-harp is a harmonica or blues-harp. But the mouthHarp is actually an old name for the Jews-harp, a small overtone-instrument. This MouthHarp is held to the opened mouth while plucking the lamella which makes the basic tone resonat
Clive is a musician, composer and an electronic music producer. His Music combines his art of playing multiple unique organic ethnic instruments like flute, didgeridoo, mouth- harp, African Djembe, percussions and electronic production to create electroni
Space Crickets are a unique product from the VaporGenie development laboratory. This is a noisemaking toy that makes bizarre clicking, buzzing and zapping sounds. You play it with your hands, and can use your mouth to 'bend' the notes like a Jews harp.
A Magyarország legnagyobb dorombválasztékát kínálja és átfogó információt nyújt a hangszerrel kapcsolatos témákban. Célunk az, hogy minden dorombbal kapcsolatos igényt kielégítsünk. The finest handmade Jew's harps from Hungary.
Since 1999, the name, SlideMeister has meant exclusive Chromatic harmonica content, catering to, and promoting all things Chromatic. See us for Chromatic tabs, featured players, member websites and more.
A Magyarország legnagyobb dorombválasztékát kínálja és átfogó információt nyújt a hangszerrel kapcsolatos témákban. Célunk az, hogy minden dorombbal kapcsolatos igényt kielégítsünk. The finest handmade Jew's harps from Hungary.
Since 1999, the name, SlideMeister has meant exclusive Chromatic harmonica content, catering to, and promoting all things Chromatic. See us for Chromatic tabs, featured players, member websites and more.
Since 1999, the name, SlideMeister has meant exclusive Chromatic harmonica content, catering to, and promoting all things Chromatic. See us for Chromatic tabs, featured players, member websites and more.