Cours et stages Aïkido à Bruz, Rennes et Chartres de Bretagne, Ille et Vilaine, 35 - Enseignement art martial japonais - Echanges - Expositions - Dojo - O Sensei Morihei UESHIBA - Morihiro SAITO Sensei - Hitohira SAITO Sensei - Olivier Eberhardt
Aikido Budo Hericourt et Aikido Budo Hericourt Besançon sont deux clubs de takemusu aikido : enseignement traditionnel selon la pédagogie progressive développée à Iwama par Morihiro Saito 9ème dan, élève direct de Morihei Ueshiba.
Martial Arts training Westchester NY: Takemusu Aikido Association affiliated Aikido school in lineage of Morihiro Saito Sensei for Westchester County NY: White Plains, New Rochelle, Yonkers, Bronx
Field Aikido was established by Michael Field Sensei, who is the Iwama Ryu Aikido Australia Soke as appointed by Morihiro Saito Sensei. Field sensei is Australia's most qualified Iwama Ryu Aikido teaching all the techniques as handed to Saito Sensei by Ai
Site de promovare a studiului celei mai complexe arte martiale: AIKIDO FUNDAMENTAL, dezvoltat in IWAMA de creatorul aikido Morihei Ueshiba. Ulterior a fost dezvoltat de Morihiro Saito tot in IWAMA.
Field Aikido was established by Michael Field Sensei, who is the Iwama Ryu Aikido Australia Soke as appointed by Morihiro Saito Sensei. Field sensei is Australia's most qualified Iwama Ryu Aikido teaching all the techniques as handed to Saito Sensei by Ai
The Takemusu Aikido Association is dedicated to the development and dissemination of Aikido based on the highest ideals of the Founder, Morihei Ueshiba, O-Sensei. This international association does this by continuing and promoting the Founder's trad