Welcome to the web-site of First Coast Missional Communities. Thanks for stopping by. First time here? Just checking things out? Click here. Our next Worship Celebration will be on Saturday, March 21 at 6:30opm in the St. Johns Room at Faith Community
Welcome to the web-site of First Coast Missional Communities. Thanks for stopping by. First time here? Just checking things out? Click here. Our next Worship Celebration will be on Saturday, May 9 at 6:30opm in the St. Johns Room at Faith Community Ch
Our vision is to take the love, the life, and the power of God out into Maine and the world. We plant missional faith communities that are led by people with a diversity of gifts and a passion for making tangible the Kingdom of God.
Connecting Gods People to Gods Promises through living in community and creating an environment for each person to define and develop their inner calling.
This website is dedicated to the pursuit of more than just church. It is a relentless, honest, all-out, no-holds-barred pursuit of true life in Christ through missional communities who are dedicated to making disciples.
Soma is a Family of Churches committed to Gospel Saturation so that every man, woman and child will have a daily encounter with Jesus through word and deed. We believe Missional Communities are the primary organizing structure of the Church and the most e