Diana Winston is the Director of Mindfulness Education at MARC, where she teaches mindfulness to the general public, health professionals, educators, and many others. She has been teaching mindfulness nationally since 1998
My coaching is based upon applying mindful principles to you and your skiing, so that you become a mindful skier, one who is safer, has fun and learns well.
Brought to the west by Jon Kabat- Zinn, mindfulness and mindful meditation has had great success in modern psychology helping people with pain, illness, stress, anxiety and depression.
NuZijn, nu zijn voor iedereen, dynamische en actieve meditaties, mindfullness, mindfulness, vollemaans-meditatie events, vipassana en mindfull yoga cursussen voor volwassenen en kinderen, www.kiddyminds.be, www.divya.nl, www.aumm,nl, aumm instituut, emdr,
The AMH Foundation is a non-profit organization that is being established to address the disparity that exists between recognized areas of medical research and promising alternative healing methods that are being ignored.