contact me, home, , 5th Texas Volunteer InfantryMilitary, Military, 5th Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment The very title is a brag. The Texans in Virginia were volunteers. No conscription was necessary to man the ranks. They were there because
Artillery and military information about World War One, World War Two, the Korean War and Vietnam War. You will find extensive information, including photos and history relating to artillery and artillerymen.
Artillery and military information about World War One, World War Two, the Korean War and Vietnam War. You will find extensive information, including photos and history relating to artillery and artillerymen.
Artillery and military information about World War One, World War Two, the Korean War and Vietnam War. You will find extensive information, including photos and history relating to artillery and artillerymen.
Artillery and military information about World War One, World War Two, the Korean War and Vietnam War. You will find extensive information, including photos and history relating to artillery and artillerymen.
Ενημέρωση και επικοινωνία για τη στρατιωτική θητεία, τις αναβολές, την ανυποταξία, την αντίρρηση συνείδησης και τους εξοπλισμούς. Αρχείο άρθρων από το 199
Artillery and military information about World War One, World War Two, the Korean War and Vietnam War. You will find extensive information, including photos and history relating to artillery and artillerymen.
Formed in 1940 by religious bodies, CCW works to defend and extend the rights of conscientious objectors. Information on the draft, military rights, and conscientious objection.