Metric conversion is a free online calculator for converting metric and imperial units of length, weight, speed, temperature, time, volume, area, power and energy
Metric conversion, currency converter and GPA calculator. Includes length, area, volume, mass, etc. features: algebraic steps, your favorites, search tool
conversion to metric is your online source for english to metric units conversion. Our online metric converter for Length, Weight, temperature, volume, area and online calculator are ready to use for free.
Here you find metric conversion calculators to convert between different units of measurement using the metric, british/american, avoirdupois systems, but also more exotic systems like japanese, ancient greek, biblical and old swedish measures. is a free online utility which allows you to convert among a large collection of measurement units (metric, imperial or customary measurement units). It also contains the most popular online calculators, such as: BMI calculator, per
International Unit Conversion Calculator - Free unit conversion calculator for easy measurement conversion. International Unit Converter allows metric measurement conversions in many categories.
Conversion to Metric - CHART, CALCULATOR and Metric CONVERSION - convert: to standard, to us, tons to pounds, table, units, liquid and temperature, meters to feet, weight, volume, length, area and other.
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