Scheppke Real Estate of Eau Claire, Wisconsin helps people find a new home, whether it's new construction, a new home, or an affordable apartment rental. Scheppke Real Estate also provides affordable campus housing to students at the University of Wiscons
We specialize in residential and off-campus housing for Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, Menomonie, La Crosse, and Amery. Our buildings range from duplexes to
Scheppke Real Estate of Eau Claire, Wisconsin helps people find a new home, whether it's new construction, a new home, or an affordable apartment rental. Scheppke Real Estate also provides affordable campus housing to students at the University of Wiscons
We specialize in residential and off-campus housing for Eau Claire, Chippewa Falls, Menomonie, La Crosse, and Amery. Our buildings range from duplexes to