A V TEC - Provide audio & video rental service provider with an expertise in managing product launches, training programs, medical conferences, live concerts, cultural programs, multi-media/multi-screen presentations in Bangalore and across India.
Was vor 10 Jahren mit dem Erstellen von Präsentationsvorlagen für Vorträge begann, wurde unter dem Namen Medical Presentations in den folgenden Jahren zu einer vollwertigen Agentur …
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Laser Pointer offers a range of services tailored to your needs, time and budget. Contact us about slide designs or overhauls, presentation coaching, presentation editing and more.
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Laser Pointer offers a range of services tailored to your needs, time and budget. Contact us about slide designs or overhauls, presentation coaching, presentation editing and more.
Laser Pointer offers a range of services tailored to your needs, time and budget. Contact us about slide designs or overhauls, presentation coaching, presentation editing and more.
Golgeon specializes in biomedical communications, medical illustrations, medical exhibits, surgical illustrations, trial exhibits, medical art, trial posters, trial animations, courtroom support, and demonstrative evidence consultation and planning.
Shauna Devine, Ph. D. Visiting Research Fellow, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Medical History, Department of Surgery, and Adjunct Professor, Department of History, Western University. Read more . . .
Xpert Automation is a digital communication agency (web agency), created in 2002 and specialized in website creation (internet / extranet), Human-Computer Interaction, design, richmedia and print.
Xpert Automation provide tailor-made projects to comply pe
American Medical Seminars, Inc., offers 21 live and 25 audio/video courses all approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit Continuing Medical Education (CME). Live presentations in Sarasota, FL - AAFP, ACEP, ACOG, and AAP credit details are available at our w