Interactive problem solving and test authoring software for learning and teaching mathematics. Arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry and hyperbolic trigonometry. Hands-on math tutorials and interactive learning techniques. Authoring tools to develop math test
The smarter way to block Facebook. The first e-learning education software and parental control to use social networks as a reward for math/maths/mathematics study.
Mathematics Software and Books from Chartwell-Yorke, UK Autograph, Cabri Geometry II Plus, Cabri-Geometre II, Derive 6, LiveMath, MathType, and books about using them in education or industry
Dan Dexter is a software engineer at TripAdvisor LLC. Dan earned his B.S. at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Master's degree in Mathematics: Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
Interactive maths software for just $19.95 per year level by the proven Australian author, G S Rehill. The maths software is used by students in over 30 countries. The maths software is produced by Pty Ltd.
Interactive mathematics softwa
Mathematics software and books including Autograph, Derive, Cabri, Cabri-Geometre, Mathtype, Derive 6, Mulisp and books and free articles on how to use them in education
The smarter way to block Facebook. The first e-learning education software and parental control to use social networks as a reward for math/maths/mathematics study.
Improve your grades and gain confidence in your ability to master college mathematics. Enter the site to download FREE software, discover your learning style, conquer math anxiety...
Cabrilog presents its maths software: Cabri 3D, Cabri II Plus and Cabri Jr. Maths softwares
for geometry and algebra. Discover and test our maths and dynamic geometry software on Cabrilog website.
Arithmetic Skill allows kids to learn math skills at their own rate with our mathematic software. Useful for tutoring and educational purposes visit
Arithmetic Skill allows kids to learn math skills at their own rate with our mathematic software. Useful for tutoring and educational purposes visit
Arithmetic Skill allows kids to learn math skills at their own rate with our mathematic software. Useful for tutoring and educational purposes visit
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