Sito della Associazione italiana per la sindrome di Marfan e malattie correlate. Realizzato da Associazione Vittorio per la Sindrome di Marfan e le malattie correlate. Realizzato in collaborazione con che ha messo a disposizione gratuit
Information about Marfan Syndrome,called so after the French pediatrician Antoine Marfan who was the first person to describe the condition in 1896.Causes and Treatment,life expectancy.
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Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder of human connective tissue. It has various expressions ranging from mild to severe: the most serious complications are defects of the heart valves and aorta, which often lead to early death.
Fundação Nacional sobre Síndrome de Marfan Brasil - Avanços científicos no tratamento dos efeitos da síndrome nos pacientes, bem como, da futura terapia gênica.
The Canadian Marfan Association (CMA) is a national charitable organization dedicated to saving lives and helping Marfan patients live a good quality of life. We are the only Association in Canada helping Marfan patients and the most reliable source for c
A Diagnostic Tool for Healthcare ProfessionalsWe compiled the 2010 Revised Ghent Nosology for Marfan Syndrome into a simple diagnostic tool to put the updated criteria right in your hands in an easy-to-use format for your Android or iPhone smartphone, cer
Bei dem Marfan Syndrom handelt es sich um eine genetische Erbkrankheit. Das bedeutet, dass eine Genmutation die Bildung von Fibrillin verändert. Wird die Struktur des Fibrillins verändern, ist das Bindegewebe weniger stabil.