Websidene til kunstmaleren og kunstformidleren Tor Svaerd Soerensen. Klassiske studier, landskap, fantasier. Malekurs for baade nybegynnere og viderekomne p
Ingvild Waerhaug. Visual artist known for her paintings and spacial works in vibrant colors. Specialized in creating large spacial works for t.ex. hotels, restaurants, entrance halls, events, theatre and opera. Vedic art workshops/Vedic art malekurs.
Ingvild Waerhaug. Visual artist known for her paintings and spacial works in vibrant colors. Specialized in creating large spacial works for t.ex. hotels, restaurants, entrance halls, events, theatre and opera. Vedic art workshops/Vedic art malekurs.
Art Study Online, expert video training from professional artists. Video tutorials and courses from real artists presented in easy to follow, step by step chapters.
Casadisolsikke i toscanske San Marcello tilbyr kurs i foto, maling, skulpturering eller ull- og silke-toving - i fantastiske naturomgivelser. Lær av profesjonelle kunstnere mens du er på ferie.
Art Study Online, expert video training from professional artists. Video tutorials and courses from real artists presented in easy to follow, step by step chapters.