Lyra er Danmark mest erfarne specialist i stjernekikkerter og teleskoper
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Atletiekclub Lyra (afk. AC Lyra) is een VZW die in 1947 werd opgericht en atleten onderricht in alle verschillende takken van de atletiek. Naast het competitief aspect van de atletieksport focust de club ook op het recreatieve loopgebeuren en gehandicapte
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Lyra ist der Vokalchor aus St. Petersburg, welcher in Europa und USA konzertiert / Lyra is the vocal choir which tours in Europe and USA / Lyra est le choeur vocal de St-Petersbourg qui fait des tours de concerts en Europe et aux Etats-unis
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Welcome to LYRA. Based in Tokyo, LYRA is headed by Stig Bjorge from Norway, with American design engineer Jonathan Carr, and Japanese master craftsman Yoshinori Mishima making cartridges and supervising production. All products are manufactured in Japan w
Siamo e-commerce piattaforma per Strumenti del settore edile per diverse aziende Stabila Lyra Heller Mesto Nedo Defi Rennsteig Jewel lama Marcrist Xtra Bessey.
Lyra unterstützt hochbegabte junge Musikerinnen und Musiker, fördert ihre Entwicklung und Karriere, ermöglicht ihnen Auftritte an öffentlichen Konzerten.
Blue Lyra Review, a journal of diverse voices, poetry, nonfiction, fiction, translations, poems, essays, short stories, flash fiction, prose fiction, prose,
Siamo e-commerce piattaforma per Strumenti del settore edile per diverse aziende Stabila Lyra Heller Mesto Nedo Defi Rennsteig Jewel lama Marcrist Xtra Bessey.
Kole Lyra creates a world immersed in all things charmingly electronic, with lyrical content mixing non-fiction, alluring imagery and dynamic narratives.
Little Lyra creates expressive and colourful mixed media art for the whimsical souls of the world. Based in Reading, Berkshire, all art is available Worldwide.
Lyra ingeniería & consultoría es una empresa dedicada a proporcionar servicios relacionados con las Geotecnologías para administraciones públicas y empresas privadas
A empresa Lyra Service, surgiu com o objetivo inicial de proporcionar qualidade e eficiência na Limpeza visualizando um mercado crescente e dinâmico, assim sendo, incorporamos meios para que nosso cliente tenha o conforto e segurança e a sua disposição um