Grace Lutheran Preschool and Childcare is a Christian Early Education and School Age Program in Vancouver Washington providing a safe and loving learning environment in which Christ is exalted and children are encouraged.
Christian Education and Strong Academics are just two of the reasons to send your student to St. Paul Lutheran School in Thorndale, TX. The G.O.S.P.E.L. -Gives Our Students Purpose in Every Life action!"
Good Shepherd Lincoln NE offers Lutheran classical education and confessional studies. We are committed to preaching and teaching God's Word in its truth and purity. Contact us today at 402-423-7667 or 402-423-7639.
The Lutheran Education Foundation of MN was founded by individuals concerned that our Lutheran schools are underfunded. Realizing that these schools are a great asset to our communities, the Board of Directors is determined to bring school supporters and
The Lutheran Education Foundation of MN was founded by individuals concerned that our Lutheran schools are underfunded. Realizing that these schools are a great asset to our communities, the Board of Directors is determined to bring school supporters and
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church and School located in the Indianapolis, IN. We serve the community with Lutheran Christian in Indianapolis, IN with high quality Christian education programs in Indianapolis and surrounding areas in Indiana.
Located in the west end of Allentown, Pennsylvania, Nativity Lutheran Early Childhood Education Center, (formerly Child Development Center) is a non-profit, Christian center with highly experienced, certified teachers. Our staff turnover is very low, wit
Calvary Lutheran Preschool is an early education program for children ages three to five. For 30 years we have offered quality preschool education in Hillsboro.
The E.H. Wendland Scholarship Fund was established by the Wendland family to support secondary school education for children of pastors in the Lutheran Church of Central Africa in Zambia and Malawi. Access to secondary education is a challenge for many f
Calvary Lutheran Preschool is an early education program for children ages three to five. For 30 years we have offered quality preschool education in Hillsboro.
Ann Mitchell is the head of college at Trinity Lutheran College, which is a part of Lutheran Education Australia, an educational organization that represents Lutheran schools and early childhood centers throughout Australia. Ms. Mitchell has amassed 41 ye
Lamb of God Lutheran Church and Messiah Lutheran Church congregations formed the Kenosha Area Lutheran Education Association (KALEA), under which Christ Lutheran Academy is operated.
Trinity Lutheran School Hawaii Oahu Wahiawa Private Christian School Lutheran Military Schofiels Barracks Wheeler Army Morals Values Character Jesus Christ private school Trinity Lutheran School Christian education
Trinity Lutheran School Hawaii Oahu Wahiawa Private Christian School Lutheran Military Schofiels Barracks Wheeler Army Morals Values Character Jesus Christ private school Trinity Lutheran School Christian education
SPLS strives to provide a superior Christ-centered education to children from Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Our fundamental mission is to support parents seeking to instill in their children the spiritual values that will equip them for a life of
You have seen your child develop, grow, and thrive under your loving care and watchful eye. At Zion Lutheran Early Childhood Learning Center, we believe that each child is a very special and unique gift from God. We strive to provide an atmosphere of cari
The mission of Cross Lutheran Church and school is to equip and send disciples to be disciple-makers, using the gifts and the resources that God provides and meeting people where they already are in our community. Our vision is to make mature disciples of
Lutheran Campus Ministry of Illinois is an Area Campus Ministry Agency of the Central / Southern Illinois, Metropolitan Chicago, and Northern Illinois Synods of the ELCA charged with maintaining, developing and promoting the ministry of the Lutheran Churc