C j Duncan Photography specializes in wedding photography, bridal photographer and engagement photography. We are based in Lubbock, TX but travel all over the world.
Jeffrey and Casey Anderson are Odessa Tx, based portrait and wedding photographers, serving Odessa, Midland, Lubbock, Andrews, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and all of Texas
C j Duncan Photography specializes in family photography, wedding photography and senior portraits. We are based in Lubbock TX, but travel all over the world.
You have reached the website of Jennifer + Matt's that will feature their wedding photos AND Party Booth photos. BOOKMARK this page and check back on Monday for Party Booth photos! Congratulations to the Happy Couple!!!
WOO HOO!!!!CLICK HERE TO VIEW AND ORDER YOUR PROM PHOTOGRAPHS! I'm doing a happy dance. You just can't see it. Oh, yeah...break it down. Boogie boogie!!! Hi, everyone! You've landed at the right place if you are looking for Prom Pictures.
When he can make you laugh like this? Yeah, keep him. :) Meet Rayley + Matt. They've been engaged for a month and are getting married the end of this year. I'm super pleased to be a part of this.Love Does,Kristin | professional light chaser
I'm a documentary wedding photographer that manages to squeeze bright shiny images from a black box that stays attached to my right arm. MAGIC! Yes! It's definitely an obsession.
I live in Lubbock, Texas, but photograph weddings everywhere. Love is