An independent Sovereign Grace Baptist church in Columbus, Nebraska. We believe in the doctrines of God's sovereign grace: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints.
This YouTube channel is devoted to Refuting the False Teachings of Calvinism/T.U.L.I.P. and promoting Sound Doctrine and Biblical Theology. You will see vide...
A Primitive Baptist web site dedicated to preaching the truth of God's Sovereignty, earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints and to promote practical godliness by encouraging Fathers to Lead in Family Worship, Mothers to be Keepers
A site presenting general information about the true old line Primitive Baptists and literature demonstrating Primitive Baptist views on biblical doctrine, church practice, church history, and other related.
We are a community of people who are passionate about Jesus Christ. It is through Him we receive a glimpse into the dynamic love, life and community of the Father, Son and Spirit.
Cornerstone Bible Church, Wichita, KS - We are committed to a consecutive exposition of the word of God here at Cornerstone, that means is we don't pick and choose what we think is good for us, we take what comes next in the book we are studying.
We are a New Testament Baptist Church in Lizton, Indiana and believe and preach the Doctrines of Grace. We are Landmark Baptists and are Premillennial.
A Primitive Baptist web site dedicated to preaching the truth of God's Sovereignty, earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints and to promote practical godliness by encouraging Fathers to Lead in Family Worship, Mothers to be Keepers
Visual Artefact Limited is a film and television company specialising in scripting for major documentary series and historical consultancy on Feature Films.