This project has been funded by the European Commission through Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information c
'Taught Me How To Walk' is part of the European Lifelong Learning Programme Project Grundtvig. We promote the formulation of best practices and cooperation between members in the use of hippotherapy to aid those with walking issues.
The CAEL internships are European-funded through the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, organised by Light on the Path. It consists of 5 trips to european cities in order to visit and learn from social enterprises and voluntary organisations.
The SIGNALS project is a project among the EU Lifelong Learning Programme which will enable parents, early education staff and children to build together positive relationships that will enhance the development and education of young children; improve the
TRICC - Training Intercultural and Bilingual Competencies in Health and Social Care, ad hoc interpreting, mediation, EU Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig Multilateral
"Transeuropean Promotion of Public-Private Partnership" is a programme executed as part of the European programme LEONARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovations (Lifelong Learning Programme). The project is aimed at accelerating the transfer of exper