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Obama Lies! Since being in office Obama continues to lie. From failed campaign policies to misinformation, half truths and lies. We give you the truth about the Obama Propaganda machine.
Obama Lies! Since being in office Obama continues to lie. From failed campaign policies to misinformation, half truths and lies. We give you the truth about the Obama Propaganda machine.
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Welcome to Play 'em As They Lie, Home of Obama's House of Cards: Playing Cards Displaying 52 of Barack Obama's Top Documented Lies and Broken Promises.
Welcome to Play 'em As They Lie, Home of Obama's House of Cards: Playing Cards Displaying 52 of Barack Obama's Top Documented Lies and Broken Promises.
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Facts, truth and Awareness regarding the Crimes of our failed Nation, and the now False Flags sponsored by media-government .. Author Stephen Paine . .
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The Destructive Nature Of Lies-An awareness, education. identifying and confronting lies and deception project...political news truth watchdog, discrediting liars and providing comprehensive factual content...analyzing liberalism-liberal is not cool