The DCG Solutions Student package contains step by step solutions to leaving certificate exams and hundreds of sample questions. Perfect for exam revision, independent learning and daily use within the classroom
The DCG Solutions Student package contains step by step solutions to leaving certificate exams and hundreds of sample questions. Perfect for exam revision, independent learning and daily use within the classroom
Junior Cert Exam and Leaving Cert Exam Papers and Solutions Junior Cert Exam and Leaving Cert Exam Timetable Grinds, Tutors and Tuition for Leaving Cert and Junior Cert CAO Points School Directory Project Maths Forum…coming soon
If you are interested in Learning Italian, in Italian Culture and Art contact us. We will teach you this beautiful language with our communicative approach.
Amazing Learning Techniques! Learn more effective ways to study and understand the questions in your exams. Work smarter not harder. Our proven techniques will help. You will be amazed how much more you can learn in a short period of time!
Tina Dunne, offering organisations and industries an extensive range of services in Nutrition and Marketing Communication. Tina also runs a successful Lifestyle/Cookery Programme for Children and Teenagers.
Educational Grinds offers an educational grinds service for Leaving and Junior Certificate Geography, History & Spanish. Please contact us to discuss your requirements
Grinds at Greystones at Charlesland Golf Centre, providing the best tutors for Junior and Leaving Certificate level. We are now enrolling for our Easter Revision courses, beginning on Tuesday 22nd April 2014.
We specialise in 4th, 5th, 6th year and Repeat Leaving Certificate programmes. Hewitt College “is the most successful grinds school in the state” (Source: Irish Times, November 26, 2009)
State Examination Commission, responsible for the development, assessment, accreditation and certification of the second-level examinations of the Irish state: the Junior Certificate and the Leaving Certificate.
Waterford Youth reach provides the opportunity to return to education and training for those who leave school early with no state qualifications. For young people aged 16-20 years, the Youthreach Programme offers opportunities to identify strengths, learn
Bruce College is a school of academic excellence with a proven track record in Cork over 22 years. We cater for students who want to achieve their academic potential and progress to further education. Learn More
Inspired by Alexander Pope : "A little learning is a dangerous thing, Drink deep or taste not the pierian spring." Apierian is a new Irish online learning company creating exam focused courses for self-paced learners from primary and secondary l
Inspired by Alexander Pope : "A little learning is a dangerous thing, Drink deep or taste not the pierian spring." Apierian is a new Irish online learning company creating exam focused courses for self-paced learners from primary and secondary l