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Create a free forum online in less than one minute. All forums are embeddable and fully customizable with scripting language. Choose a unique style and build a discussion board for your community.
Find and meet native speakers from all around the world. Browse our community to find your ideal language partner and enjoy improving your language skills.
The English-language community website for Germany. An information resource, a meeting point, and a communication platform for English-speakers living in Germany.
The English-language community website for Germany. An information resource, a meeting point, and a communication platform for English-speakers living in Germany. - Prague and the Czech Republic's #1 English-language resource and expatriate community website, featuring listings for jobs in Prague, real estate in the Czech Republic, Prague classifieds, events, businesses, cinema, and useful Prague
Learn a foreign language: online and offline language exchange, educational resources. Community of teachers and students from all around the world. Register for free and find a native speaker.
Improve your language skills in RWorld! RWorld is a free, membership-based, online community for conversational language speakers. Talk and chat with native speakers from around the world while playing our interactive language activities.
eiffelroom is a community page for the users of the Eiffel programming language. Here you will find articles, blogs, libraries and tools related to Eiffel.
Wordoor is the most popular online language learning community. Come and join us to exchange language and culture, share new ideas, learn foreign languages with native-speaking language partners around the world, and just have fun!
Community to mutually support language learning. Users create 'talks' that consist of speech and transcript. Currently for English and Japanese learners.
eiffelroom is a community page for the users of the Eiffel programming language. Here you will find articles, blogs, libraries and tools related to Eiffel.