Kollel Ahavas Yehonoson was established to meet the needs of English speaking b'nei chutz la'aretz who are learning in Eretz Yisroel. Located in Ramat Beit Shemesh, the kollel enjous the quiet surrounding of a true makon Torah that is made up of
The Bridgeport Kollel is a thriving Torah center in Bridgeport Connecticut. This Community Kollel offers many lectures and shiurim to the Bridgeport Community.
Kollel Nefesh HaChaim, an English speaking kollel in Jerusalem primarily but not exclusively for baalei tscuvah, provides a highly skills-oriented program, including Hebrew and Aramaic grammar, for young married Torah students.
Kollel Nefesh HaChaim, an English speaking kollel in Jerusalem primarily but not exclusively for baalei tscuvah, provides a highly skills-oriented program, including Hebrew and Aramaic grammar, for young married Torah students.
Yachad Kollel is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to educating and enriching the lives of Persian Jews in all walks of life, be it students,
Yachad Kollel is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to educating and enriching the lives of Persian Jews in all walks of life, be it students,