UPCOMING Yakuside in Madama Butterfly - Ash Lawn Opera Henry in My Fair Lady - Ash Lawn Opera Works by William Croft - Princeton University RECENTLY Guest Artist at Princeton University Opera Theater singing Tobit in Tobias and the Angel. Princeton Frien
Arietta Music is Parasol Record's label dedicated to releasing the recorded works of Dr William Kinderman including the Beethoven's Diabelli Variations and The Last Three Sonatas
The forthcoming new edition of an American psychiatric manual will increase the number of people in the general population diagnosed with a mental illness, says Prof Peter Kinderman, when all they are really experiencing are just normal human emotions.
This blog tells the story of me, Jay Pfaffman, moving out of a house and into VW camper to see the States. Lately I have been trying to figure out what I will do when I stop being mobile.