This website is for sale! is your first and best source for information about katers . Here you will also find topics relating to issues of general interest. We hope you find what you are looking for!
The Johnnies are finally on the internet! Get a peek into the lives of the crazy Johnnies! The Johnnies are Katers, Johnnie D., Weens, eeka, and Sar-bear.
Ambient is Modern Australian Cuisine & Wood Fired Pizza. We are also the proud owners of Award winning catering company kristian's katerS.A. Glenelg S.A
Katzen spielen gerne und mögen Intelligenz-Spiele. In unserem Webshop unter My Intelligent Cats bieten wir Katzen-Spiele an. Bringen Sie eine sinnvolle Abwechslung in den Alltag Ihrer Katze oder Ihres Katers. is een veelzijdig, semi-encyclopedisch en vermakelijk portaal voor baasjes van een kat (poes) en alle liefhebbers van katten (katers, poezen en kittens).
We are a small cattery in the center of the Netherlands. In 1992 we got our first Maine Coon and in 1995 our first litter was born. Our cats are living together with us and our dogs in our house. They also have the complete garden to play