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Kabbalah classes exploring core concepts in this Jewish cosmology, wrestling with questions like the purpose of Creation, the mechanism behind it, our role as Human Beings in it.
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First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ)DeSoto,Texas-open,affirming congregation, traditional/alternative,education for all,Sunday School,Music,Spirituality,Kaballah,Wedding
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Cours de Torah, Judaisme en ligne du Rav Haim Dynovisz: Centaines de cours de Torah en vidéo, connectés à l´actualité et base sur la Kabbalah. Cours en direct tous les matins à 8:30. Posez vos questions sur la vie de couple, Hassidout, Paracha de la semai
The Restoration of original Christianity and the teachings of The Way to its pure form by a disciple of Jesus who physically walked with the Lord and was taught directly by Him
L'Ordine Ermetico della Golden Dawn in Italia, The Order of the Golden Dawn in Italia. Creata per promuovere la tradizione della Golden Dawn e in seguito l'apprezzamento del HOGD
The Human Design System. HDS is a powerful tool to understand yourself and empower you. Human Design can set you free and enrich your life. Learn how here.