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Commercial and Industrial Roofing Contractor - Jurin Roofing Services serving the east coast since 1974 specializing in roof replacements and roof repair.
Commercial and Industrial Roofing Services - Jurin Roofing Services, Inc. of Florida, serving Florida and the southeast since 2007. Office in Dundee, FL.
"Leadership is about creating an environment that allows others to grow and succeed." Christophor Jurin is a leading entrepreneur and heads a startup and several companies in the construction industry. Christopher holds a B.S. in Business and a
Melissa G. Iteld-Jurin is a writer, teacher and dancer whose creative capacities allow her to shine in numerous roles. As an expert in education, literature and authorship, Ms. Iteld-Jurin teaches others the fine points of literature, and she helps people
Commercial and Industrial Roofing Contractor - Jurin Roofing Services serving the east coast since 1974 specializing in roof replacements and roof repair.