Patricia K. Kelly, visual artist, San Francisco: Abstract works on panel and paper in tempera paint, gold leaf, and natural pigments, after Early Italian/Byzantine tradition.
ENRICO CESARO | FOTOGRAFO | GRAPHIC DESIGNER | INTERIOR DESIGNER | WEB DESIGNER | ITALIAN ARTIST | Servizi di Fotografia, foto Composit, Book, Interior, Still Life, Cinema, Postproduzione, Fotoritocco Professionale, Eventi e Studio Grafico di Comunicazi
Tommaso Arscone Pittore e Artista presente le sue opere e le sue mostre ed esposizioni Italian Artist shows his artworks and exhibitions art
Tommaso Arscone Pittore e Artista presente le sue opere e le sue mostre ed esposizioni Italian Artist shows his artworks and exhibitions art
Lorenzo Scaretti, contemporary italian artist, visual phonetic art. Modern painter, art works gallery, why knot, con-fusing mind-blower, sole-less plaice
Giuliette Brown is a new brand, designed by the hands of an italian-bohemian artist, Giulia Bruni, who loves to be defined as a slash girl: stylist/designer/blogger/mum.
Ron Francis is an artist with diverse and exceptional abilities. A European trained master, in the fine application of Italian plasters. Professional photographer and abstract expressionist. Innovative ideas and artwork in the use of i-Phone and i-Pad app
amato-art - italian contemporary artist present - pittura malerei painting - the neapolitan spirit in the art - cartoonist,digitalartist,illustrator,photographer,paintner,latin surrealisme
Italian dance music songs Artist Carvelli offers rap music and video, info. Carvelli the hip hop artist for new rap songs and music representing Italian Rap and Hip Hop Artists
Official website of Italian Genovese artist, Lorenzo Traverso, home page. From paintings to cartoons to illustrations, Lorenzo Traverso's unique art style is great for anyone.
Marcelo Di Gesù è un orafo argentino, di padre italiano e madre boliviana. I gioielli Jesus Di sono frutto dell’estro creativo dell’artista; nascono da profonde ispirazioni sintesi di culture etniche diverse e rappresentano la fusione tra la cultura incai